For Assuring Smile to One and All

Udaipur Mahila Smriddhi Co op Bank Foundation Day

MD-Aravali Group of Hospitals and President, Aravali Foundation-Udaipur, Dr Anand Gupta was the Guest of Honour at a function held on the occasion of the Foundation Day of Udaipur Mahila Samriddhi Cooperative Bank on 14th June 2023.

Dr Gupta was the keynote speaker during the event and congratulated the management of the bank for attaining success in a relatively smaller duration of time. He also stressed upon the need for a healthy lifestyle while addressing the management, staff and customers of the bank. He gave the formula of 20-20 for exercise, 7-7 for diet management and KFP-BFP for stress management for the august audience to imbibe for a healthy lifestyle.