Advanced joint replacement surgeries for hips, knees, and shoulders using cutting-edge implants and minimally invasive techniques.
Minimally invasive joint diagnostics and treatments with arthroscopic procedures, offering faster recovery and reduced scarring for various joint issues.
Expert care for fractures with plaster, nailing, plating, and interlocking techniques.
Specialized surgeries for polio-affected patients.
Expert care for congenital deformities like clubfoot.
Comprehensive care for joint and spine disorders.
Immediate and specialized care for severe limb injuries.
Advanced surgical treatments for spinal conditions.
Rehabilitation services to aid recovery and improve mobility.
Comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis.
Treatment plan tailored to individual needs.
Compassionate care and support for patients and families.
We’re here to help you with any questions or concerns.
Feel free to reach out to us through any of the following methods
Aravali Hospital, 332, Ambamata Scheme, UDAIPUR
- 313 004, Rajasthan INDIA
Serving Udaipur since 1998 with compassionate care and medical excellence. Our state-of-the-art facilities and expert team provide comprehensive healthcare services, blending advanced technology with a patient-centric approach for your well-being.
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