The Ek Zid caravan reached Central Academy School, Sardarpura, Udaipur on the morning of 29th September 2016. Dr Saumil Sanghvi of Aravali TECH, Udaipur addressed more than 2000 students of the school. The students in turn pledged that they would always try their best to save lives in whatever way they can using the first aid techniques demonstrated by Dr Sanghvi.
In the afternoon, 50 top executives of Pesticide Industries, a renowned organisation of South Rajasthan were trained by Dr Saumil Sanghvi on basic first aid training under the campaign initiated by Aravali Group, Dainik Bhaskar, Rajasthan Police and Nagar Nigam Smart City Udaipur.
The VijayLaxmi Galundia Group underwent the training at Aravali TECH in the evening. Dr Saumil Sanghvi delivered the training session which was attended by 15 members of the group.